
We Will Guide You on Your Journey of Wealth Creation

Managed Portfolio Service

We offer custom-fit managed portfolio services at Hamilton Hindin Greene. This means the financial investments in your portfolio will be optimised to suit your situation.

What is a Managed Portfolio?

A Managed Portfolio is an investment portfolio that has been professionally tailored towards your particular circumstances; considering your financial situation, goals and objectives, and risk profile.

Once implemented, your adviser then constantly monitors your portfolio to make sure it’s performing as expected, and will alert you if tweaks need to be made.

By holding the assets in our custodial service, we’re also able to take care of all the required administration and paperwork associated with your investments, such as corporate actions and tax reports.

Who is a Managed Portfolio Suited for?

At Hamilton Hindin Greene, we understand that a lot of clients may not have the time, resources or expertise required to successfully manage their own portfolio.

These clients want to be sure they have the most suitable asset allocation and that they’re investing in the best companies and bonds. They enjoy being able to rest assured they’ll be contacted immediately if anything in their portfolio needs to be changed or if there are any new opportunities to take advantage of.

They appreciate only ever having to deal with their adviser, never needing to call registries or be passed from department to department at a call centre.

Trustees of Trusts are comfortable using this service knowing that they are fulfilling their duties under relevant legislation.

If any of this sounds like you, please contact us to hear more.

Is a managed portfolio the same as a managed fund/KiwiSaver?

In short, no.

While the underlying assets may be similar (i.e., your Managed Portfolio and KiwiSaver may both hold Company XYZ), there are a couple of key differences.

Firstly, managed funds take a one-size-fits-all approach and everyone who invests in that fund has the exact same investments. With a Managed Portfolio, your portfolio will be unique to you and your circumstances.

Secondly, the investment decisions for a managed fund are all made by a central investment team, giving you absolutely no influence over what companies your fund invests in. With a Managed Portfolio, your adviser will provide advice and guidance while you retain complete control and can choose to include or exclude any companies or industries you wish.

Finally, with a managed fund, you can only buy and sell the fund ‘units’, not the underlying investments. This means that when you buy or sell units, you are buying/selling everything in that fund, whether it is a good time or not. With a Managed Portfolio, we can be much more strategic and sell the right securities at the right time.

Frequently Asked Questions

plus small outer thick gold-iconWho uses Hamilton Hindin Greene’s Portfolio Management service?

HHG’s Portfolio Management Service is likely to be right for you if:


  • You like to be in control of all your investment decisions including the make-up of your portfolio and individual selection of investments
  • You are too busy to attend to the administration associated with your investments, or you would simply prefer it be taken care of by professionals, or
  • You want to stay informed about events affecting your investments (e.g. dividends; share splits), but don’t want to deal with the associated paperwork
plus small outer thick gold-iconIs Hamilton Hindin Greene’s Portfolio Management suitable for me?

The Overview Service is also suitable if:


  • You own international shares and wish to avoid the costs and delays of having share certificates issued and physically delivered to you
  • You wish to consolidate your investments into one place and easily track your investments
  • You travel frequently or live overseas and want to know that the administration associated with your investments is taken care of while you are away
  • You want to avoid the resealing of probates in other countries for estate planning purposes
plus small outer thick gold-iconWhat are the costs?
  • There is no establishment fee for transferring existing investments into Overview. There may be charges for transferring investments out.
  • An agreed administration and monitoring fee is calculated on the value of the portfolio at the end of each month
  • Any charges are automatically deducted from available funds in your Overview portfolio cash accounts
plus small outer thick gold-iconAre the fees tax-deductible?

Portfolio fees are generally fully tax-deductible. We advise that you check with your tax advisor to confirm your particular situation.

plus small outer thick gold-iconHow do I change my address or other account details?

Please advise us in writing of your new address or the change in details at PO Box 10 Christchurch.


Account details requiring security checking will need to be supported by original or certified copies as proof. For example a deposit slip for bank account changes or marriage certificate for name changes. These will need to be sent to the office along with the signed request.


If in doubt please call this office on 0800 10 40 50 before making the request and we will advise what supporting documentation is required.


Please note: You will also have to contact the share registries to update your details.

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I would be pleased to recommend Jeremy (Sullivan) as a financial adviser to any other people in circumstances similar to ours.

Don & Jill


I am very happy with the service over the time I have been involved with the company. Thank you Jeremy Sullivan

Loraine C


Grant Davies has always addressed any of my queries and has provided advice up to and exceeding expectations.

Tony F


Richard is great. Very glad he takes time to come out to me. Man of goodwill.

