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Hamilton Hindin Greene News

Bonus Bonds: The much more Fun Investment, Yeah Right.

Bonus Bonds hold a truly unique place in New Zealand’s investing landscape, like many new Zealanders, I myself have held them (courtesy of a gift of my parents) when I was a child. A Little History…. Bonus Bonds is actually a unit trust founded in 1970 with a reward scheme

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UK Listed Trusts

The UK Listed trusts’ manage diversified international share portfolios and rely on the managers ability to navigate the global financial markets.  These investments are listed on the London Stock Exchange and are denominated in Sterling. Bankers Investment Trust PLC provides a one-stop shop for global equity exposure. Its legacy was strongly UK-centric

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Fixed Interest Review: Listed Fixed Interest & Term Deposit Rates

With global wholesale interest rates on the move again we thought it would be advantageous for our investors to have a comparison between bank term deposits and the fixed interest investments available on the New Zealand debt market. Below is a list of just a few of the listed fixed

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Interest Rates – Has The Worm Finally Turned?

There is no doubt, ever since Don Brash as Governor of the Reserve Bank finally managed to get inflation and inflationary expectations under control in the early nineties, New Zealand has been in a long term bull market for bonds. The market value of bonds goes up as interest rates

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The Conservative Investor

Many of Hamilton Hindin Greene’s clients would consider themselves to be conservative investors. These are investors who are happy to take on some risk (in order to beat bank deposit rates, for example), but on the whole are not inclined to take too much risk. Most retirees would fall towards

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RaboBank Capital Securities (RBOHA)

Credit Rating: BBB- Investment Grade First Call Date: Oct 8 2017 Gross Yield if Called: 8.65%p.a. Rabobank is a brand well known to most New Zealanders. The Dutch banking cooperative has developed a presence in New Zealand, particularly in the rural sector. The relative safety of Rabobank is why we

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NZX50 Capital Index Finally Catches up with 2007

The table above shows the impact of dividends on the NZX50 gross index over the past ten years. The green line representing the oft-reported NZX50 index, and the blue line representing the NZX50 Capital Index which has just surpassed 2007 highs. Grant Davies talks to Stuff reporter Richard Meadows below. New Zealand’s

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Reset Security Opportunity Hybrid Securities – ASBPA and ASBPB

ASB Capital was incorporated in 2002 as a special purpose company to issue perpetual preference shares (ASBPA). It was a subsidiary of CBA Funding (NZ) Ltd. The ultimate parent of this company, and of ASB Bank Ltd, is Commonwealth Bank of Australia. ASB Capital No.2 was incorporated in 2004 as

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